Richard Van Camp, "How I Saved Christmas"

It's December 24. Richard Van Camp, author of The Lesser Blessed and Night Moves, rises with the sun and burns just as long.

How would you describe your story?

RICHARD VAN CAMP: Merry mix-ups occur when Larry Sole from The Lesser Blessed finds out that Fort Simmers' Santa doesn't want to play anymore.

When did you write it, and how did the writing process compare to your other work?

RVC: 20 years ago. It's one of my most hilarious stories (I think).

What, for you, are the essential elements of a good short story?

RVC: When I'm wondering about characters or how things turned out years after I've read a story—that's when you know you were in the presence of pure magic. 

Did this story require any research?

RVC: A little bit, but I won't go into it. ;)

Where can people go to learn more about you and your work?


What's on your Christmas list this year?

RVC: Family time, Star Wars, great food, naps, sweet tunes, alchemy.

Michael Hingston